Monday, July 8, 2013

I Believe In....

Today I'm linking-up with my girl Courtney @What's Up With The Wilhems, who is co-hosting the one-time-link-up 
"I believe in...."

 with Becca @ My Crazy Good Life Karen @ Desert Chica Ramblings Jill @ Just Jilly Denise @ Life with Four Boys

I believe in many things, but today I wanted to give some love to my little birthday boy who I believe in....

I believed in you before you were even here.  
The doctor told me to be thankful for the two miracles I already had.... because a third one didn't seem near in my future.

I believed in you.
I knew then, there would be a you...
I believe you helped fill a space in our hearts we didn't know needed filling, but glad we found that place.

I believe in giving you kisses forever and ever.
I believe in Lego days
I believe in mommy and son dates... just you & me.
I believe you should always respect our planet-->No littering...EVER!
I believe you should always say Thank You & hold doors.
I believe you're doing a great job at becoming a good man, by doing those little things.

I believe chivalry isn't dead, it just needs to be taught.
I believe you have a great example, to help lead the way to becoming the best man--ever.

I believe you should never go to sleep mad!
I believe you should always say I love you
 {only when you mean it}!
You can never tell someone you love them enough, especially mama.
I believe you should write letters, and your feelings down, men can do that too.
I believe that you fill my bucket when you write me little notes... keep writing me notes, forever!

I believe you are a good little brother... 
I also believe-- you could cut your sisters some slack sometimes.

I believe the best policy is to put away your Legos-> because nothing is worse than stepping on a Lego.
Stepping on a Lego, I believe, is something you may not even wish on your worst enemy... it hurts... bad.
I believe you have a heart of gold.
I believe in you!
I love you big boy.
Happy Birthday!!!

Mommy Monday Blog Hop

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