Thanksgiving is next week folks! Are you ready? Are you traveling?
For those of you who aren't familiar with #AskAwayFriday it's an amazing way to meet new bloggers, make friends and ask some questions to get to know them better! 10 questions are exchanged and answered on your partners blog, you can get as creative as you want and even get into our purses!
As always, tried and true we have the partners in crime, the ladies who created #AskAwayFriday...the wonderful Penny from The Real Housewife of Caroline County and Amber from Bold Fab Mom!!
Our co-hosts for the month of November are amazing so check them out!
Dean aka Mrs_AOK is pretty freaking amazing! She's been apart of #AskAwayFriday as long as it's been around I believe, which is pretty impressive! She's become a great friend to me and the other ladies involved in #AskAwayFriday each week and I'm super excited she's moving to the East Coast!
Next up is the wonderful Ophelia from LatinaMamaRama, we've really enjoyed her joining in on #AskAwayFriday, she always has some really insightful and beautiful things to say!
And last, but certainly not least is Sarah from Lomholt's Family...she's a really great gal from Iowa and I really enjoy our little chats, she's become a good friend and a friendly face each week on #AskAwayFriday! She's always up for exchanging with anyone and so friendly!
Okay, now that we've met everyone I'm going to add in a shameless plug on behalf of Penny & Mrs_AOK. Enter into the Holiday Nail Polish GIVEAWAY!!! There are 3 prizes (so 3 times the chances to win!) and they are all awesome!
Now that we've got all the business out of the way, let's get into Week 16 of #AskAwayFriday!
I've been took for a fool, but trust I am no fool and I believe 100% in karma.
Becoming a mother has softened my heart, immensely, I use to be a hot head who didn't wait for karma and reacted out of anger. {I'm human and yes sometimes I fly off the handle}
Nonetheless, motherhood has shaped me. The moment I knew I had a human life growing in me, I wanted to do good, I wanted to change what I could in my environment for my child. I found peace in reading Buddhist Affirmations and Mantras. In reading and learning more about the Buddhist Philosophy/Practice, I learned to be more positive and giving.
A loving and giving heart-- is a happy heart.
Luckily, for this move we do have unlimited funds for moving/shipping/storage. My husband's employer is awesome- we're taking what we want to keep;)
I honestly think change begins in the home. We cannot change tomorrow without teaching kindness, understanding and love today.
For the most part I believe hate, judgement, and how to handle it is taught.
So, I guess in a way I'm already working on that in my home with my children. I don't teach hate and I always remind them of their kind hearts....
I think sometimes social classes and different ideologies bicker and judge one another, perhaps bridging a gap would help... we don't all have to think or believe the same but we do need to show compassion for one another... at least in my world.
10}Blog post planner or fly by the seat of your pants?
#TGIF Right!?! Happy Friday friends, this week I'm happy to swap questions with the sweet, lovely, and hot Mama behind the blog Raising Reagan, Lanaya!
I 'met' Lanaya through #AskAwayFriday quite a few Fridays ago, and I'm grateful that our blog worlds collided :)
Lanaya is such a sweet lady and supportive blogger. Please say you'll visit her blog if you haven't already! She shares great tips and mommy tales about her beautiful & smart (mini Lanaya) Reagan.
1} The first impression that I ever got from you was that you are very generous, caring and kind. You are constantly doing something for others, giving to those in need or just shouting out expressions of hope. Besides yourself, obviously, who do you credit your strong sense of giving to?
Awww well that made my week :)
For some reason I'm filled with empathy on a whole other level, and my husband always says he admires that about me. Although I love being kind sometimes, my kindness is received as weakness.I've been took for a fool, but trust I am no fool and I believe 100% in karma.
Becoming a mother has softened my heart, immensely, I use to be a hot head who didn't wait for karma and reacted out of anger. {I'm human and yes sometimes I fly off the handle}
Nonetheless, motherhood has shaped me. The moment I knew I had a human life growing in me, I wanted to do good, I wanted to change what I could in my environment for my child. I found peace in reading Buddhist Affirmations and Mantras. In reading and learning more about the Buddhist Philosophy/Practice, I learned to be more positive and giving.
A loving and giving heart-- is a happy heart.
2}Last week you gave us a glimpse of what you would miss in Chicago. One of my most favorite places in that city is the Aquarium. Have you been?
Yes, I absolutely loved it! I love seahorses & starfish; there are plenty at Shedd. I always use to recommend people visit Shedd when they came, and then I read a book about zoo animals and aquarium animals that changed my view. I haven't been back....
3}Moving is NO fun when it comes to packing it all up and getting out of town. If I gave you unlimited funds ... You have a choice ... keep everything or throw it all out and buy new stuff. Which do you choose?
You can only choose ONE -- not a combination.
Luckily, for this move we do have unlimited funds for moving/shipping/storage. My husband's employer is awesome- we're taking what we want to keep;)
4}Which Disney princess most represents you and why?
I don't like that she was a bit mouthy with her Mama, but eh, it's a Disney flick...
Merida comes to mind first... so I'm going with her.
For obvious reasons... that hair!! I'm kidding! I love that she doesn't take no crap or adhere to the norm. She was never locked in a tower for a man to find her, she proved she could save herself and her family. I don't like that she was a bit mouthy with her Mama, but eh, it's a Disney flick...
5}I’m going to take your question to me one step further ... we both have a severe love for football. We go to the game together-- shy girl in the stands or screaming and cussing at the players and referees?
Oh I'm a screamer and a bit of a swearer, I'm sure the neighbors won't miss that about me during the remainder of the football season. ;)
6}World peace ... your motto. You get to change one thing right now to start the process towards world peace.
What do you change?
Whew... that is tough.....I honestly think change begins in the home. We cannot change tomorrow without teaching kindness, understanding and love today.
For the most part I believe hate, judgement, and how to handle it is taught.
So, I guess in a way I'm already working on that in my home with my children. I don't teach hate and I always remind them of their kind hearts....
I think sometimes social classes and different ideologies bicker and judge one another, perhaps bridging a gap would help... we don't all have to think or believe the same but we do need to show compassion for one another... at least in my world.
7}I know you wait until after Thanksgiving to break out the Christmas lights. Do you have any ornaments that are special to you and always make an appearance on your Christmas tree?
Yes, the kiddos have made ornaments that are important to us, we have our first Christmas ornaments for each kiddo and of course my husband & I have Our First Christmas ornaments too.
Sadly, this year we will have to go without them :( since they'll be in storage...
8}I asked you to write up a post about sex. Would you write one?
Although, I'm a fan-- for this blog I would not. Write a guest post or an article somewhere else-> sure. My blog, is my spot, but I always blog with the kiddos in mind. My eldest is 11 years old she doesn't want to know all that....
She doesn't read my blog, or have access to computers without my permission or without us present, but she does have friends..
9}Kit Kat, Skittles or Snickers? Snickers!
I hate Skittles and you would too if you saw the rainbow the way I did when I was five.... Skittles-overload has its consequences.
I hate Skittles and you would too if you saw the rainbow the way I did when I was five.... Skittles-overload has its consequences.
10}Blog post planner or fly by the seat of your pants?
I don't like to admit this but most of the time I'm a fly-by- the-seat-of-my-pants blogger.... however the move has provided me with this overwhelming sense of being more organized. I have been planning ahead.

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