Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wordless Wednesday & WIWW

Today I thought I would cover all my bases and do a WW & WIWW. I know it’s a bit late in the day but hey it’s still technically Wednesday.  Right?

My Weekend

My family and I went to our little downtown for the lighting ceremony & Christmas parade-- we were late. We still had fun--- our babies took pictures with all the snowmen statues throughout downtown & then we went to our favorite little spot.  Our favorite little dessert spot got all fancy on us, and added an extension. Oh.. I checked out the Target & Neiman Marcus collabo {wasn't super impressed}

My Wednesday Outfit {today}

{Okay... my photographer is 4 years old....}
I know it’s not super trendy and I hate to disappoint, but this is how I kick it on days when I DON’T have much to do. Today I had a couple minor errands a quick trip to CVS & the cleaners.  My old brown sweater is one of my favorites. I just cannot shake it, although it is quite beat-down, I LOVE it. 
And in case you wanted to see my headshot... in my garage. {fancy pants} Hardy Har


  1. Loving the new collaboration between Target and Neiman Marcus! Like the boots. I'm on the hunt for a new pair myself.

    1. Thank you! My husband surprised me with them this fall.... and I'm in love with them and HIM too :)


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