Sunday, September 30, 2012

What Had Happened Was {Part Dos in Pictures}

Well, many things happened while I was away.
As I told y’all in my last post I took a plethora of pix while I was away from this here blog and I thought I’d share some with you today on this beautiful 30th day of the month J eh hem.

Hope you all have a fabulous day. I’m going bowling with my family & having birthday cake J


  1. I'm hoping to get Moo some training wheels of her own. She's been chattering nonstop about a bike. We've had a few ER visits over here too. Nice to catch up with you!

  2. Moo will love it! My lil' man got a bike for his birthday and he loves it :) I think I need to get him on his bike more.
    I hate the ER we had two visits in 2 weeks. I hope not to see the inside of a hospital for a while. Thanks for stopping by. xo


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