Saturday, May 7, 2011

Saturday and Etsy back in a Old School Hip Hop way

     I decided to make an Etsy treasury list dedicated to the days when hip hop was good and not commercialized.  I love all music.. seriously ALL music.  If you look at all the videos I have put up here you will see I have an interesting array.  I have to say growing up in a military town  has it's advantages-- you learn to love all things... you go through all stages...and you come out to be a well rounded person --> Like Me  : )

Anyways back to my pick of the week I'm taking it wayyy back and giving some love to KRS 1 this song reminds me of the days I use to b-girl (breakdance) ---->  Seriously did you believe that ; )

KRS 1- Step into a world

My husband and I like to have Youtube battles he picks a song and then I pick a song.  We try to out do one another.... I blew him away when I reached back into my hip hop bag of tricks and pulled this one out
I'd like to give credit where credit is due-- thank you babe for helping with this Etsy Treasury : )

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