Friday, September 6, 2013

Ask Away Friday with Mother of Chaos

WooHoo it's Friday!! Time for #AskAwayFriday, this week I'm swapping questions with 
She blogs about life... her life, go catch up with her and give her some love!
Also check her answers to my questions.

What was the first reason/goal you created your blog for?
I started an Etsy shop, so my husband set me up with a Twitter, Facebook, and Blog to help promote my shop.  And the rest is history.... :)

How do you measure success for a blog?
For me personally, success doesn't come solely in numbers and sponsored posts... 
Don't get me wrong it would be nice to have.  Nevertheless quite frankly I believe a successful blog has a following of true friends, the blog can succeed with the love of those who enjoy to read the blog because of the content and the person behind said content--loyalty.  A little band of bloggers can be just as nice as a mega brand ambassador blog group with tons of giveaways... IMO.  

List 5 goals on your life’s to-do list
Travel More
Get over my fear of traveling more
Start my own family farm
Start a creative business 
Be there for all my kiddos' important moments in life :)

Do you have any hidden talents?
I juggle knives at the mall during the weekends.
Okay, I don't do that but it sounded pretty bad ass right?  'Special talent' well I like to do voices.. I'd love to do a voiceover for a cartoon!

On the topic of religion; chocolate chip cookies with or without nuts? WITHOUT! But I'm a sucker for a cookie so if you've got one I'll take it.
Blogging is becoming more popular; for those jumping on the bandwagon, what is the one piece of advice you would give to make their blog a success? Gosh, this is tough because there is a ton of advice I'd like to give them.  I didn't have advice... {insert frowny face}
Consistency and authenticity. 
You have to be consistent, and be authentic.  Blogging isn't creating a new you everyday but being you everyday.
It takes a while to get use to your new found blogging skin, but it comes.

Side note*I finished my degree this past March, which freed up time for me to focus on my blog, and there has been such an improvement! 

What is the one piece of advice you’d tell new bloggers to not do? DO NOT IGNORE YOUR BLOG AND THOSE WHO TAKE TIME TO SHOW YOU COMMENT LOVE.  Your blog needs attention to grow. If you post they will come, and if the come show them your appreciation 😉

RUN! Go to the fridge and tell me the oldest expiration date.
So.. there's this mystery container with a hidden gem in the back of the fridge that I'm not even going to touch! I don't empty the fridge, I clean the fridge but my hubs is in charge of cleaning out the old stuff {about every two weeks}.  I cannot handle smells, which probably made me the worst pregnant woman ever... gaah!

The messiest situation you have found your kids in?
Luckily I haven't had anything too distarious.  Many moons ago... I caught my eldest sharing Flinstones vitamins with the dog!! I was in a panic, how did she get them and how many did she eat!!??!! At that time it was just me, my husband was in Iraq, which made things worse. I called the Pediatrician's office scared; and the nurse said, "she'll be fine."  The nurse went on to tell me her son ate some of her birthcontrol pills, and he was okay.   I watched my daughter like a hawk the rest of the day, but now I can laugh at the situation.  There she was a curly top cutie in a pamper with the vitamins in hand sharing with our dog and couple on the floor.  Oh that kid... <3

Best parenting tip ever!?
"Enjoy it. It happens so fast."  I was told that over and over again, to the point where I thought yada yada yada... 
However, they were all right! I feel like my 11 year-old was just that 1 1/2 year-old tot sharing vitamins with the dog.  
Everyday I enjoy it.  I love being a Mommy, headaches and all... these {3} kiddos along with my amazing husband make me whole.  I make sure to let them know I love them and listen to their day.  I take pictures when they aren't looking just to capture the moments I know won't last forever. Cherish your babies...

Thank you Mother of Chaos for swapping with me today!! These were fun questions.  Please go check out everyone who has linked-up to the #AskAwayFriday party!

I did my FIRST EVER 
guest post this week; please please go check it out!

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