Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wordless Wednesday- Today

Guess who is back...... me of course! 
Missed ya much-- can't wait to share my little vacation with y'all 
However, today I wanted to share... 
Went to the library and got some good books
Then off to the park
Picked our first cucumbers


  1. Aww lovely - I want to get my daughter a library card asap, but our local library seems to be closed all the time!

    Twitter: @MsAlexandraV

  2. Aww... that's no fun. Hopefully your library will get their act together, and you two can have tons of visits there : ) The kids love our library and it is FREE FUN.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Hey! Stopping by to say hi!

    HOpe you had a great lil vacation! So post some pics! :) Hey what kind of info should I sent about my giveaway info to the email you said? I appreciate your help!


  4. I love home grown veggies!! And yay for the library :)


Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to leave me some love
: ) I will reply as soon as I can... Thanks <3